Train CanCan




Trains, Shinkansen, SL, linear, various transformations

New function special items have appeared.There are 4 types of special items. If you use it, you can use the button for a certain period of time.1. "Big Button": Tap this icon to make trains and bullet trains huge in two stages.2. "Fumikiri": Tap this icon to open as many railroad crossings as you like.3. "Freight Train": Tap this icon to pass the freight train.4. "Tram": Tap this icon to bring up the tram.You can play by running various trains such as trains and Shinkansen.An icon will appear from the bottom left, so try tapping the icon.It transforms into various Shinkansen and trains, railroad crossings, tunnels, railway bridges, etc. appear.Besides that, various things will appear on the screen.Please tap it. Maybe something fun will happen?In the Master controller mode, you can operate with the Master controller.Station icon: You can automatically stop at the station.Please stop at the station manually in the Master controller mode.Linear Shinkansen icon: Transforms into a linear Shinkansen (linear motor car) for a certain period of time.Conventional line icon: The train changes to various trains.Shinkansen icon: Transforms into a Shinkansen for a certain period of time.SL icon: Transforms into SL (steam locomotive) for a certain period of time.Railroad crossing icon: A railroad crossing appears.Tunnel icon: A tunnel will appear.Iron bridge icon: An iron bridge will appear.Landscape switching icon: Change the route to a place with a different landscape.Horn icon: You can sound the horn.About special itemsYou can use special items by consuming 5 hearts.There are 4 types of special items. If you use it, you can use the button for a certain period of time.1. "Big Button" Trains and Shinkansen will become huge in two stages.2. You can take as many "Railroad crossing" railroad crossings as you like.3. "Freight train" A freight train passes by.4. "Tram" A tram will appear.The heart will increase in a certain amount of time.There are many cars such as working cars, police cars, ambulances, fire engines, buses, special vehicles at construction sites, sports cars, compact cars, minivans, etc. Please look forward to them as well.I would like to increase the number of trains, Shinkansen, steam locomotives, linear Shinkansen trains and backgrounds.If you have a train or subway that you would like to see, please request it.I would like to give priority to making it.An advertising banner will be displayed. note that. You can play this train game for free until the end.Fine-tuned

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Omar Ball

Can you add a steam mail train please and let us drive the freight train please

Tahmir Jenkins


Buang Suhadi

We are still waiting on the 35supply doctor set up so i can go to school tomorrow WE have a fabulous day and truck for me to finish the job was not sure what your max loan amount is that 3days I know 4anyone is the car still available in a tick the house is not a bad tv in the week end of the month to buy one of the equipment is available except for the car and truck for me to finish the quote was to buy a pkt of Macadams I have to buy a pkt of Macadams 7I have the papers for the car and truck

Olivia Felix

Wow wow wow Wow wow wow

Ambiga Rukmani

Northing to play just tapping on spinning wheel


The game is a bit silly but very fun. The events roll up like gacha... but it's free!


Get app because you can drive my favorite trains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Thanks zousan!

Titi Games

shikansen my favourite game

Geetha.G Venki


Paul Baker